1 Active Model 簡介
Active Model 是一個函式庫,由許多用來與 Action Pack 互動的模組組成。以下簡單介紹幾個 Active Model 的模組。
1.1 AttributeMethods
class Person include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods attribute_method_prefix 'reset_' attribute_method_suffix '_highest?' define_attribute_methods 'age' attr_accessor :age private def reset_attribute(attribute) send("#{attribute}=", 0) end def attribute_highest?(attribute) send(attribute) > 100 end end person = Person.new person.age = 110 person.age_highest? # true person.reset_age # 0 person.age_highest? # false
1.2 回呼
Active Record 風格的回呼。讓我們可以在運行期定義回呼。定義回呼後便有 before_*
與 around_*
class Person extend ActiveModel::Callbacks define_model_callbacks :update before_update :reset_me def update run_callbacks(:update) do # This method is called when update is called on an object. end end def reset_me # This method is called when update is called on an object as a before_update callback is defined. end end
1.3 Conversion
如果一個類別有定義 persisted?
與 id
方法,則你可引入 Conversion
模組,並對此類別的物件呼叫 Rails 的 conversion 方法(to_model
class Person include ActiveModel::Conversion def persisted? false end def id nil end end person = Person.new person.to_model == person # => true person.to_key # => nil person.to_param # => nil
1.4 Dirty
物件有一個或多個改動,卻未儲存,則稱物件變“dirty”了。這讓我們可以檢查物件是否有變動。以下是 Person
類別,有 first_name
與 last_name
require 'active_model' class Person include ActiveModel::Dirty define_attribute_methods :first_name, :last_name def first_name @first_name end def first_name=(value) first_name_will_change! @first_name = value end def last_name @last_name end def last_name=(value) last_name_will_change! @last_name = value end def save # do save work... changes_applied end end
1.4.1 查詢物件修改過屬性的列表
person = Person.new person.changed? # => false person.first_name = "First Name" person.first_name # => "First Name" # returns if any attribute has changed. person.changed? # => true # returns a list of attributes that have changed before saving. person.changed # => ["first_name"] # returns a hash of the attributes that have changed with their original values. person.changed_attributes # => {"first_name"=>nil} # returns a hash of changes, with the attribute names as the keys, and the values will be an array of the old and new value for that field. person.changes # => {"first_name"=>[nil, "First Name"]}
1.4.2 Attribute based accessor methods
檢查 first_name
Track whether the particular attribute has been changed or not.
# attr_name_changed? person.first_name # => "First Name" person.first_name_changed? # => true
檢查屬性上一次的數值: Track what was the previous value of the attribute.
# attr_name_was accessor person.first_name_was # => "First Name"
檢查屬性上次與當前的值,有變化回傳 Array,沒變化回傳 nil
# attr_name_change person.first_name_change # => [nil, "First Name"] person.last_name_change # => nil
1.5 驗證
給類別加入 Active Record 風格的驗證功能:
class Person include ActiveModel::Validations attr_accessor :name, :email, :token validates :name, presence: true validates_format_of :email, with: /\A([^\s]+)((?:[-a-z0-9]\.)[a-z]{2,})\z/i validates! :token, presence: true end person = Person.new(token: "2b1f325") person.valid? # => false person.name = 'vishnu' person.email = 'me' person.valid? # => false person.email = '[email protected]' person.valid? # => true person.token = nil person.valid? # => raises ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed
1.6 ActiveModel::Naming
模組加入幾個幫助管理命名和路由的模組。這個模組定義了 model_name
類別方法,這個方法用 ActiveSupport::Inflector
class Person extend ActiveModel::Naming end Person.model_name.name # => "Person" Person.model_name.singular # => "person" Person.model_name.plural # => "people" Person.model_name.element # => "person" Person.model_name.human # => "Person" Person.model_name.collection # => "people" Person.model_name.param_key # => "person" Person.model_name.i18n_key # => :person Person.model_name.route_key # => "people" Person.model_name.singular_route_key # => "person"
翻譯如有錯誤,深感抱歉,歡迎 Fork 修正,或至此處回報。
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