PostgreSQL 的最低版本要求為 8.2。舊版不支援。
開始使用 PostgreSQL 之前,請先看看如何為 Active Record 設定 PostgreSQL 資料庫。
1 資料類型
PostgreSQL 提供許多具體的資料類型。以下是 PostgreSQL 連接器所支援的類型列表。
1.1 Bytea 類型
# db/migrate/20140207133952_create_documents.rb create_table :documents do |t| t.binary 'payload' end # app/models/document.rb class Document < ActiveRecord::Base end # 用途 data = + "tmp/output.pdf") Document.create payload: data
1.2 陣列類型
# db/migrate/20140207133952_create_books.rb create_table :books do |t| t.string 'title' t.string 'tags', array: true t.integer 'ratings', array: true end add_index :books, :tags, using: 'gin' add_index :books, :ratings, using: 'gin' # app/models/book.rb class Book < ActiveRecord::Base end # 用途 Book.create title: "Brave New World", tags: ["fantasy", "fiction"], ratings: [4, 5] ## Books for a single tag Book.where("'fantasy' = ANY (tags)") ## Books for multiple tags Book.where("tags @> ARRAY[?]::varchar[]", ["fantasy", "fiction"]) ## Books with 3 or more ratings Book.where("array_length(ratings, 1) >= 3")
1.3 Hstore 類型
# db/migrate/20131009135255_create_profiles.rb ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :profiles do |t| t.hstore 'settings' end end # app/models/profile.rb class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base end # 用途 Profile.create(settings: { "color" => "blue", "resolution" => "800x600" }) profile = Profile.first profile.settings # => {"color"=>"blue", "resolution"=>"800x600"} profile.settings = {"color" => "yellow", "resolution" => "1280x1024"}! ## you need to call _will_change! if you are editing the store in place profile.settings["color"] = "green" profile.settings_will_change!!
1.4 JSON 類型
# db/migrate/20131220144913_create_events.rb create_table :events do |t| t.json 'payload' end # app/models/event.rb class Event < ActiveRecord::Base end # 用途 Event.create(payload: { kind: "user_renamed", change: ["jack", "john"]}) event = Event.first event.payload # => {"kind"=>"user_renamed", "change"=>["jack", "john"]} ## 基於 JSON 文件的查詢 Event.where("payload->'kind' = ?", "user_renamed")
1.5 Range 類型
此類型映射到 Ruby 的 Range
# db/migrate/20130923065404_create_events.rb create_table :events do |t| t.daterange 'duration' end # app/models/event.rb class Event < ActiveRecord::Base end # 用途 Event.create(duration:, 2, 11), 2, 12)) event = Event.first event.duration # => Tue, 11 Feb 2014...Thu, 13 Feb 2014 ## 找出特定日期的所有活動 Event.where("duration @> ?::date",, 2, 12)) ## 使用 range bounds event = Event. select("lower(duration) AS starts_at"). select("upper(duration) AS ends_at").first event.starts_at # => Tue, 11 Feb 2014 event.ends_at # => Thu, 13 Feb 2014
1.6 複合類型
複合類型映射到一般的 text
CREATE TYPE full_address AS ( city VARCHAR(90), street VARCHAR(90) );
# db/migrate/20140207133952_create_contacts.rb execute <<-SQL CREATE TYPE full_address AS ( city VARCHAR(90), street VARCHAR(90) ); SQL create_table :contacts do |t| t.column :address, :full_address end # app/models/contact.rb class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base end # 用途 Contact.create address: "(Paris,Champs-Élysées)" contact = Contact.first contact.address # => "(Paris,Champs-Élysées)" contact.address = "(Paris,Rue Basse)"!
1.7 枚舉類型
枚舉類型映射到一般的 text
# db/migrate/20131220144913_create_events.rb execute <<-SQL CREATE TYPE article_status AS ENUM ('draft', 'published'); SQL create_table :articles do |t| t.column :status, :article_status end # app/models/article.rb class Article < ActiveRecord::Base end # 用途 Article.create status: "draft" article = Article.first article.status # => "draft" article.status = "published"!
1.8 UUID 類型
# db/migrate/20131220144913_create_revisions.rb create_table :revisions do |t| t.column :identifier, :uuid end # app/models/revision.rb class Revision < ActiveRecord::Base end # 用途 Revision.create identifier: "A0EEBC99-9C0B-4EF8-BB6D-6BB9BD380A11" revision = Revision.first revision.identifier # => "a0eebc99-9c0b-4ef8-bb6d-6bb9bd380a11"
1.9 位元字串類型
# db/migrate/20131220144913_create_users.rb create_table :users, force: true do |t| t.column :settings, "bit(8)" end # app/models/device.rb class User < ActiveRecord::Base end # 用途 User.create settings: "01010011" user = User.first user.settings # => "(Paris,Champs-Élysées)" user.settings = "0xAF" user.settings # => 10101111!
1.10 網路位址類型
與 cidr
類型映射到 Ruby 的 IPAddr
類型映射到一般的 text
# db/migrate/20140508144913_create_devices.rb create_table(:devices, force: true) do |t| t.inet 'ip' t.cidr 'network' t.macaddr 'address' end # app/models/device.rb class Device < ActiveRecord::Base end # Usage macbook = Device.create(ip: "", network: "", address: "32:01:16:6d:05:ef") macbook.ip # => #<IPAddr: IPv4:> # => #<IPAddr: IPv4:> macbook.address # => "32:01:16:6d:05:ef"
1.11 幾何類型
幾何類型(除了 points
)映射到一般的 text
會轉成陣列,陣列裡有 x、y 軸。
2 UUID 主鍵
需要啟用 uuid-ossp
擴充功能才可以產生 UUID。
# db/migrate/20131220144913_create_devices.rb enable_extension 'uuid-ossp' unless extension_enabled?('uuid-ossp') create_table :devices, id: :uuid, default: 'uuid_generate_v4()' do |t| t.string :kind end # app/models/device.rb class Device < ActiveRecord::Base end # 用途 device = Device.create # => "814865cd-5a1d-4771-9306-4268f188fe9e"
3 全文搜索
# db/migrate/20131220144913_create_documents.rb create_table :documents do |t| t.string 'title' t.string 'body' end execute "CREATE INDEX documents_idx ON documents USING gin(to_tsvector('english', title || ' ' || body));" # app/models/document.rb class Document < ActiveRecord::Base end # 用途 Document.create(title: "Cats and Dogs", body: "are nice!") ## 所有匹配 `cat & dog` 的文件 Document.where("to_tsvector('english', title || ' ' || body) @@ to_tsquery(?)", "cat & dog")
4 資料庫 Views
rails_pg_guide=# \d "TBL_ART" Table "public.TBL_ART" Column | Type | Modifiers ------------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------ INT_ID | integer | not null default nextval('"TBL_ART_INT_ID_seq"'::regclass) STR_TITLE | character varying | STR_STAT | character varying | default 'draft'::character varying DT_PUBL_AT | timestamp without time zone | BL_ARCH | boolean | default false Indexes: "TBL_ART_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree ("INT_ID")
這張資料表完全沒有遵循 Rails 的慣例。 因為簡單的 PostgreSQL View 預設便可以更新了,可以像下面這樣包起來:
# db/migrate/20131220144913_create_articles_view.rb execute <<-SQL CREATE VIEW articles AS SELECT "INT_ID" AS id, "STR_TITLE" AS title, "STR_STAT" AS status, "DT_PUBL_AT" AS published_at, "BL_ARCH" AS archived FROM "TBL_ART" WHERE "BL_ARCH" = 'f' SQL # app/models/article.rb class Article < ActiveRecord::Base self.primary_key = "id" def archive! update_attribute :archived, true end end # Usage first = Article.create! title: "Winter is coming", status: "published", published_at: 1.year.ago second = Article.create! title: "Brace yourself", status: "draft", published_at: 1.month.ago Article.count # => 1 first.archive! Article.count # => 2
這個應用程式只專注在尚未歸檔的 Articles
。View 也允許使用條件式,所以我們可以直接排除掉已歸檔的 Articles
翻譯如有錯誤,深感抱歉,歡迎 Fork 修正,或至此處回報。
文章可能有未完成或過時的內容。請先檢查 Edge Guides 來確定問題在 master 是否已經修掉了。再上 master 補上缺少的文件。內容參考 Ruby on Rails 指南準則來了解行文風格。
最後,任何關於 Ruby on Rails 文件的討論,歡迎至 rubyonrails-docs 郵件論壇。