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Rails 指南審閱者

Vijay Dev

Vijay Dev

Vijayakumar, found as Vijay Dev on the web, is a web applications developer and an open source enthusiast who lives in Chennai, India. He started using Rails in 2009 and began actively contributing to Rails documentation in late 2010. He tweets a lot and also blogs.

Xavier Noria

Xavier Noria

Xavier Noria has been into Ruby on Rails since 2005. He is a Rails core team member and enjoys combining his passion for Rails and his past life as a proofreader of math textbooks. Xavier is currently an independent Ruby on Rails consultant. Oh, he also tweets and can be found everywhere as "fxn".

Rails 指南設計者

Jason Zimdars

Jason Zimdars

Jason Zimdars is an experienced creative director and web designer who has lead UI and UX design for numerous websites and web applications. You can see more of his design and writing at Thinkcage.com or follow him on Twitter.

Rails 指南作者

Ryan Bigg

Ryan Bigg

Ryan Bigg works as the Community Manager at Spree Commerce and has been working with Rails since 2006. He's the author of Multi Tenancy With Rails and co-author of Rails 4 in Action. He's written many gems which can be seen on his GitHub page and he also tweets prolifically as @ryanbigg.

Oscar Del Ben

Oscar Del Ben

Oscar Del Ben is a software engineer at Wildfire. He's a regular open source contributor (GitHub account) and tweets regularly at @oscardelben.

Frederick Cheung

Frederick Cheung

Frederick Cheung is Chief Wizard at Texperts where he has been using Rails since 2006. He is based in Cambridge (UK) and when not consuming fine ales he blogs at spacevatican.org.

Tore Darell

Tore Darell

Tore Darell is an independent developer based in Menton, France who specialises in cruft-free web applications using Ruby, Rails and unobtrusive JavaScript. His home on the Internet is his blog Sneaky Abstractions.

Jeff Dean

Jeff Dean

Jeff Dean is a software engineer with Pivotal Labs.

Mike Gunderloy

Mike Gunderloy

Mike Gunderloy is a consultant with ActionRails. He brings 25 years of experience in a variety of languages to bear on his current work with Rails. His near-daily links and other blogging can be found at A Fresh Cup and he twitters too much.

Mikel Lindsaar

Mikel Lindsaar

Mikel Lindsaar has been working with Rails since 2006 and is the author of the Ruby Mail gem and core contributor (he helped re-write Action Mailer's API). Mikel is the founder of RubyX, has a blog and tweets.

Cássio Marques

Cássio Marques

Cássio Marques is a Brazilian software developer working with different programming languages such as Ruby, JavaScript, CPP and Java, as an independent consultant. He blogs at /* CODIFICANDO */, which is mainly written in Portuguese, but will soon get a new section for posts with English translation.

James Miller

James Miller

James Miller is a software developer for JK Tech in San Diego, CA. You can find James on GitHub, Gmail, Twitter, and Freenode as "bensie".

Pratik Naik

Pratik Naik

Pratik Naik is a Ruby on Rails developer at Basecamp and also a member of the Rails core team. He maintains a blog at has_many :bugs, :through => :rails and has a semi-active twitter account.

Emilio Tagua

Emilio Tagua

Emilio Tagua —a.k.a. miloops— is an Argentinian entrepreneur, developer, open source contributor and Rails evangelist. Cofounder of Eventioz. He has been using Rails since 2006 and contributing since early 2008. Can be found at gmail, twitter, freenode, everywhere as "miloops".

Heiko Webers

Heiko Webers

Heiko Webers is the founder of bauland42, a German web application security consulting and development company focused on Ruby on Rails. He blogs at the Ruby on Rails Security Project. After 10 years of desktop application development, Heiko has rarely looked back.

Akshay Surve

Akshay Surve

Akshay Surve is the Founder at DeltaX, hackathon specialist, a midnight code junkie and occasionally writes prose. You can connect with him on Twitter, Linkedin, Personal Blog or Quora.




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